Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dryer update

For those of you who heard about our dryer woes (it wasn't igniting, just pumping gas into the dryer - not effective and definitely not safe!) no more worries! It has been fixed by the hubby and I!

How we did it:
  1. I took apart the back of the dryer
  2. Vacuumed all the lint out of it
  3. Looked it over with a flashlight
  4. Got frustrated and gave up
  5. Then Bob helped me take apart the FRONT of the dryer (didn't even need to bother with the back)
  6. Figured out how it worked
  7. Did some trouble shooting and testing
  8. Found it was working again
  9. Put it back together
Resulting in a fixed dryer! In moving it all around we must have bumped something back into place, or maybe the cleaning helped. Either way, we just saved ourselves several hundred dollars so I'm happy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garden/yard update

This blog is turning out to be more about our yard than our house... but moving forward.

Bob and I did a lot of yard work over the holiday weekend. No pictures of the front, but the back is looking quite nice:

Those round stones in front of the small garage door were all uneven and piled up on top of the cement, and causing water to go inside the garage. We pulled them all out and fixed them. The green bin by the shed is our new compost bin, which I'm excited to have again. And next to that is "our" rabbit.

He comes into the yard almost every morning and evening to eat the clover in the corner of our yard. We have named him Pierre "The Hare" "Mon Frere" Van Dusen.

I finally pruned the roses (per the instructions in my gardening book) and they are looking great:
I do need to replace that lattice at some point though - the wood is getting rotted.

House updates will be posted sometime this week hopefully!

So much for finding money in the rafters...

Check out these *hidden treasures* I found while cleaning out the laundry room last weekend:

All sarcasm aside, I did save the jar (sans lid) - it has a nice pattern on it.

Cooking with rhubarb

Thanks for sending along some of Grandma R's recipes Aunt Joan! :)

We made rhubarb crisp and it turned out pretty darn good: